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The Importance of Visuals in Product Page Optimization: Best Practices and Examples

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The Importance of Visuals in Product Page Optimization: Best Practices and Examples

Your product pages are the most important component of your online store. They inform customers about your products and pull the shopper toward purchase. A well-optimized product page will increase your search rankings, draw in more traffic, and sell more products.

You can’t overestimate the value of quality visual content in your PDPs. Imagery informs, educates, and connects with shoppers, enticing them to buy. In this guide, the team at Content Status evaluates the importance of visuals in product page optimization, outlining best practices and providing examples that empower you to create high-converting PDPs

Why Visuals are Essential for High-Performing Product Pages

Product page visuals aren’t helpful additions to your product pages; they’re core components you can’t do without. Below we explore the top reasons visuals are essential for high-converting PDPs.

1. Visuals are Easy to Consume, Understand, and Remember

Every page visit is an opportunity to make a sale. When shoppers peruse your PDPs, capture their attention with engaging content: visuals.

Product imagery and video are easy to consume, understand, and remember. You can communicate a high volume of information in a short amount of time with compelling, quality visuals. And shoppers are more likely to remember your product –– and the things they like about it –- when you present them with images and video.

2. Images Connect with Shoppers’ Emotions

Visuals tell a story. And story is a core component of your branding. Product page visuals connect with shoppers, immersing them in your products and brand.

When they see your product in use, they can envision themselves using it too. Emotion drives purchase behavior. And visual content appeals to the emotional component of a purchase decision. PDP visuals engage emotions and compel shoppers to buy.

3. Product Photos and Videos Increase PDP Engagement

Visuals interrupt the monotony of written content and captivate shoppers. When a user comes to your PDP, you have just seconds to capture their attention and present your product before they move on.

Photo and video content keeps shoppers interested while providing product information and addressing pain points. Visuals keep users on your page –– and engaged with your product, increasing the likelihood of sale.

4. Product Page Visuals Fill in Gaps in Written Content

Written content is vital for high-converting product pages. But text can’t communicate every detail or feature of your products.

Visual content fills in gaps in your written content and bolsters consumer understanding of your product.

5. Visuals Increase Organic Search and Traffic

Optimizing your visual content for SEO allows you to make the most of every element on your PDPs. Including target keywords in the image and video descriptions help increase your search rankings, bringing more traffic to your pages.

6. Consumer Expectation of Product Imagery on PDPs

Online shoppers hold high expectations for visual content quality. Research shows that 87 percent of consumers say high-quality product images are essential when making an online purchase.

Consumers will abandon your page to shop elsewhere if your product visuals fall short. Consumer expectations are high; meeting –– or exceeding them –– is paramount to your success.

7. Required vs. Enhanced Content

Not only do you have requirements to meet for each retailer or marketplace when incorporating visuals into your product pages but you need to differentiate through enhanced content. Using multiple, purposeful types of visual content contributes to a successful product page that converts.

Basic visual content, like a feature image, provides a general understanding of your product.

Enhanced content, like AR experiences, 360-degree photography, or product videos, provide more detail.

Consumers want and need both content types to make a confident purchase decision. And as each content type lives in a unique location on your PDP, you want varied product visuals across your pages to captivate, educate, and drive sales.

Product Page Visuals: Best Practices for Optimizing Your PDPs

We know why product visuals are essential. Now let’s explore best practices for optimizing visuals on your PDPs.

1. Include User-Generated Images in Product Reviews

Original, owned product content is a cornerstone for your product pages. But consumers want social proof when online shopping, and you can deliver it through user-generated content (UGC).

PowerReviews found that 88 percent of consumers look for UCG before purchasing online. Including UGC on your product pages gives shoppers confidence in your product (and brand).

2. Provide Context with Lifestyle Images

Product page visuals should do more than offer a detailed view of your product; they should help the shopper imagine themselves using and enjoying it.

By providing lifestyle images or videos on your pages, you provide context for your product. Consumers can then visualize how your product will provide real, practical solutions in their own lives, further compelling them to purchase.

3. Include Product Variants

Provide visuals that show variants if your products come in multiple colors, patterns, or sizes. Shoppers want visual proof of the product they’re buying. Provide visuals for every product variation; you’ll lose sales if you don’t.

4. Maintain Consistency with the Setting and Background

Consumers expect consistency in your product visuals. Ensure your images have consistent backgrounds, lighting, set design, and style. Doing so conveys quality and professionalism in both your product and your brand.

5. Show the Product from All Angles

Online shopping has changed the retail landscape. Shoppers have greater access to product details, data, comparisons, and more. The digital shelf puts power and information into the hands of the consumer at any time of day.

However, online retail eliminates the ability for shoppers to examine products in person. As a result, brands must do what they can to replicate an in-person shopping experience. This includes providing 360-degree views of their products.

Spin imagery shows a product from all angles, allowing shoppers to evaluate their potential purchase from all sides. When they can’t hold a product, provide them with visual data that offers the next best thing.

Examples of Visuals that Enhance Product Page Optimization

Visuals drive traffic, engagement, sales, and customer satisfaction with your products and brand. Executing compelling visuals allows you to take hold of market share. Below we list examples of popular product visuals that enhance product page optimization.

1. 360-Degree Spin Imagery

We discussed spin imagery in the section above. 360-degree photography gives shoppers a complete view of your products. This enhanced content not only educates consumers regarding your products, but it signals your commitment to quality in all you do – including product images.

2. How-to Videos

Shoppers want assurance that they will know how and be able to use a product before they purchase it. Including how-to videos (in addition to written content) on your product pages provides an engaging visual touchpoint and instills confidence in the shopper.

3. Virtual Try-ons

Virtual try-ons (and other AR technologies) enable shoppers to see themselves wearing or using your product. Whether they’re “trying on” a shirt or virtually placing a couch in their space, AR-enabled experiences help consumers visualize using your product, compelling them to buy it.

4. Product Hot Spots

Product hot spots highlight helpful product features that can entice shoppers to purchase. They’re another avenue to engage shoppers further, creating interactive touch points.

Hot spots can also suggest relevant product pairings, directing shoppers to appropriate cross-sells.

As we’ve explored, quality visual content is paramount to the success of any product page. Your sales rely on product visuals.

Optimizing Product Visuals with Content Status

At Content Status, we have the solutions you need to optimize your product pages, including tools to help you make data-driven decisions that guide you to success. Reach out today to learn more about how Content Status can help you position yourself to win the digital shelf.