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Share of search represents 83% of a brand’s market share


of product pages display critical errors


online shopping cart abandonment rate, on average


of people returned an item because it didn’t match the description

blob 3

Monitor any brand, category or retailer.

Monitoring the status of your content and competitors is table stakes. With Content Status, you can set it and forget it.

know when

Know when your content updates go live

compare masster

Compare Master vs Live vs Previous product item data

indentify incorrect

Identify incorrect brand usage on a retail site

identify incorrect

Identify incorrect categorization of a product on a retail site

indetify product

Identify product changes or inaccuracies, including duplicate images, inconsistent or duplicate bullets, and lack of rich content

share of search

See share-of-search results and monitor ranking versus competitors

Group 1203

Compare versions of product item data.

Content Monitoring actively compares usage of product content on a single site or multiple sites over time, showing the differences and changes to surface critical issues and opportunities. We track progress, flag issues, and provide competitive insights – daily, weekly, or monthly.  You can also customize rules that send proactive alerts to your team.

Group 1085
nvent logo


“Content Status is working with IDEA, the electrical industry’s leading product data partner, to help manufacturers and distributors become more competitive online and make better product content decisions. This can help manufacturers like nVent take control of our digital shelf and help our distributors provide a better buying experience for end users.”

Tracey Thompson

Product Data Manager

Frequently Asked Questions

What retailer, marketplace and distributor connections are set up?

We audit over 100 sites – and growing weekly! – for Content Status, completeness, accuracy, and optimization. Our new share-of-search audit tool can currently be used on Amazon, Walmart, The Home Depot, and Sam’s Club with more being added every month.

How often can I audit content?

You can turn on recurring audits of your content daily, weekly, or monthly. You can also choose to conduct a Flex Audit, which is a specific number of product pages you would like to audit one time. See our plan options.

What content do you audit for each retailer?

Content Status tracks over 150 actionable insights, including:

    1. Page Status (Live, Not Found or Missing)
    2. Product Status (Availability, Buy Box, MSRP, and Sale Price
    3. Content Scoring (Images, Videos, PDF/Documents, and so on)
    4. Content Usage (Title, Description, Bullets, Images/Videos, Documents, and Ratings/Reviews)
How do you handle site changes?

We actively monitor sites throughout the day. Any site modification such as maintenance or downtime is encountered and then reflected within our system. When a site is completely overhauled or modified in any shape or manner, we’ll re-evaluate our integration with the site. Depending on the complexity and set of changes, this could result in anywhere from 1 to 3 days of downtime for our integration with the given site.

How do you compare each content element?

Depending on the type of data point, we may do string, numeric, and/or both comparisons per data point. It all depends on the type of content and elements that we are comparing. In certain cases such as images, bullets, and documents (PDFs, etc.) we may choose to compare the count/total items.

Can I provide you with a list of all the attributes / content elements that should be on the site?

Absolutely! Just submit your request to support@contentstatus.com, and we’ll promptly take a peek at the page to review and consider adding missing elements.

Can I see when my content is live on a retail site?

Yes. The easiest way to monitor if your site content launches is to understand the URL/URI or Product ID structure of the site. If you know the given identifier, you can create a recurring audit with the specific identifier (URI/URL and/or Product ID) and actively monitor for this on a daily, weekly or monthly interval.

Can I get automatically alerted to content issues?

Yes. Content Status provides you with the ability to set up alerts by creating rules that are important to your content. For example, is your brand name appearing in the product title? Or, is a keyword included in your product description? Once the rules are set up, you’ll know where you have issues that need to be addressed.

Can I monitor my competitors’ products?

Absolutely! Once you sign up for an account, you will be able to monitor any brand, any category, or any retailer within the platform. This includes the ability to see your share-of-search results and how you rank versus competitors.